22.11.2021 - Defibrillator Installed
We are very pleased to announce that the defibrillator, which was kindly donated by Westfield Health, has now been mounted on the outside of the church wall and is now active. Through the generosity of the local community, we managed to raise a further £1,763 which was used to purchase the box in which it is housed, installation costs, signage and an annual support package for the first six years. This covers theft, loss, damage and new pads should they be needed.
The code to access the defibrillator in an emergency is accessed through the Yorkshire Ambulance Service by phoning 999.
In the event of a cardiac arrest, the chain of response is below:
1. Stay with the patient and phone 999.
2. The 999 desk will give you the location of your nearest defibrillator and the code to open the box to access it.
3. If there is a second person nearby, send them to get the defibrillator.
4. One person MUST stay with the patient and follow the ABCD:
A. Airways: Check airways are open and clear
B. Breathing: Look, listen and feel for normal breathing
C. Compressions: If the patient is not breathing normally, start chest compressions.
D. Defibrillator: Follow the instructions on the defibrillator. It will speak to you to tell you what to do.
Many thanks to everyone who donated to make this possible and to Mount View Methodist Church members for agreeing to house it on their outside wall and helping with the logistics to get it installed. Hopefully it will serve our community for many years to come.
Jacqui and Rob Cottom
11.12.2021 - Coffee Morning
10am - 12 noon
Join us for our Christmas coffee morning! Please come join us for festive music and to enjoy our Christmas decorations over a cuppa in the Church. Everyone most welcome.
12.12.2021 - Christmas Service
10.45 - 12 noon
Join us for the third Sunday in advent at our Family Festive Service. This service will be led by the Girls' Brigade and Richard Wilshaw and promises to put a smile on all of our faces. There will be festive refreshments following the service. Everyone most welcome.
13.11.2021 - Coffee Morning
10am - 12 noon
Join us for our coffee morning! There will be an interlude at 10.45am - a time of quiet reflection in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Everyone most welcome.
Together again!
Rejoice!!! We are back together again for our services and it feels a bit more like normal! Singing, worshipping and socialising - come and join us every Sunday!
Harvest Festival!
We had a fantastic Harvest Festival and are thankful for everyone who joined us. Thank you also for the many food donations we received. These were shared with those in need in the local community and to food banks.
14.11.2021 Remembrance Service
Join us to remember those who have lost their lives in conflicts. There will be refreshments following the service. Everyone most welcome.